
This workshop requires that you’re comfortable with R, and specifically with the concept of data.frame objects. The ability to work with and visualise data frames is one of the key reasons why R is so popular amongst statisticians and data scientists. Although a vast amount can be achieved using base R functionality, one of R’s other key strengths is the vast array of packages that it supports, which add a rich variety of additional functionality to R.

A suite of packages that are fast becoming de rigueur for performing myriad data science tasks is known as the tidyverse. These packages provide powerful functions for doing visualisation and manipulation of complex data sets. In this workshop we will introduce key tidyverse packages, such as readr, tidyr, dplyr and ggplot2, and show how they can be used to efficiently process and visualise complex data.

tidyverse packages

The tidyverse is a suite of packages, including tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, purrr, tibble and readr. Although these packages can each be installed and loaded separately, they are designed to work together, and as such will simply install and load the tidyverse directly, rather than worry too much about which functions belong to which packages.

To install tidyverse, use:


and once installed, it can be loaded using:


in the usual way.

Note: if you are loading tidyverse as part of an R Markdown document, and you want to knit to a PDF document using LaTeX, then it sometimes throws an error when loading because LaTeX can’t process the correct fonts for the loading message. Hence in R Markdown documents I always suppress the load messages through the chunk option message = F e.g.

```{r, message = F}

Data files and slides

All data files can be downloaded as a ZIP file from here. PDF copies of the workshop slides can be found through the following links:


All tasks will be denoted in panel boxes like this one. In the HTML version, all solutions can be toggled by hitting the Show Solution buttons. In the PDF version solutions are given in the Appendix and are linked via the Show Solution buttons.