3 Epilogue

These workshops have only really scratched the surface as to what can be achieved using tidyverse and R. We haven’t touched on the apply functions included in the purrr package; we haven’t looked at the utility of list-columns; or began to explore the myriad other ggplot2 geoms, such as geom_violin(), geom_bar() or geom_hex(). We haven’t looked at packages such as gganimate, or plotly for turning your R plots into interactive HTML graphics, or the wonderful shiny package for creating fully interactive websites, or the use of knitr and rmarkdown to produce fully reproducible documents. In fact this workshop was written completely in R using the bookdown package, by the inimitable Yihui Xie (who also wrote knitr).

I hope that this workshop has helped to spark your interest in some of the more powerful features of R. Please browse the myriad ggplot2 or shiny galleries for inspiration, and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.