
Modules (aka libraries) are how Python developers share functionality they have created with the rest of the Python community.

Python is bundled with a large range of modules in what is called the Python Standard Library.

These encompass a very wide range of functionalities including

  • os : “Miscellaneous operating system interfaces”
  • os.path : “Common pathname manipulations”
  • sys : “System-specific parameters and functions”
  • math : “Mathematical functions”
  • random : “Generate pseudo-random numbers”
  • csv : “CSV File Reading and Writing”

which are modules that I use regularly. The full list is much, much more extensive and includes things like

  • tkinter : “Python interface to Tcl/Tk” (For creating simple Graphical User Interfaces)
  • wave : “Read and write WAV files” (Audio)
  • ftplib : “FTP protocol client”
  • http.server : “HTTP servers” (i.e. Web server)
  • email : “An email and MIME handling package”
  • multiprocessing : “Process-based parallelism”
  • zipfile : “Work with ZIP archives”

to name an assortement of Standard Library modules I’ve used less frequently.

The total list contains hundreds of modules, and covers a wide spectrum of things you can do with a computer!

In addition to the Standard Library, there are many thousands more (69544(from January this year) 93151 (now!) at last count) modules listed in the Python Package Index, that range from modules created by lone developers to projects involving hundreds to thousands of developers over many years, such as Scipy. You can browse the list at of modules at the Python Package Index or use the search interface to find modules by keywords.

Using modules

To use a Python module we must first import it,


Once imported, we access a modules functions using the dot notation, <MODULENAME>.<FUNCTIONNAME>(...).

For example, above we used the random module to generate random numbers, so after the line

import random

we were able to call a module function using, e.g.


Python also allows us to provide an alias for a module, which is a different way of refering to it. For example if I wrote

import random as rnd

I would then be able to later use the random.random function by writing


This can be handy, especially when using modules with long names, or a submodule of a submodule of a submodule!

Lastly, submodules or functions can also be imported individually if desired, by using the from syntax:




to import a function from a module or submodule, which will then be accessible as FUNCTION (i.e. without needing to specify the module name!).



imports a submodule without needing to prefix it with the module name.

Creating modules

Creating a module is extremely simple in Python. In fact we’ve created several modules already!

Any file ending in .py is a simple module!

If for example we create a script file called and in that script we define a function (which we’ll learn about in the last section of this workshop) called super_function, then we can create another file and import that module using

import mymod

This then gives us access to the function we defined, e.g.


Using if __name__ == "__main__": to hide script code

When writing a script to be used as a module, it is useful to have a mechanism for running part of the script only if the script is being run as a script, and not being imported!

This is because when a script is imported, it is essentially run!

To “hide” code from being run when imported Python introduced the following pattern:

def function1():

def function2():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("I'm being run as a script lets do script stuff!")

We’ll cover the function definitions for the functions function1 and function2 in the next section. Of interest here is the last part of the snippet; by using the special built-in variable __name__ and checking whether it is equal to "__main__", we can check if the file is being run as a script or imported.

This is because the __name__ variable is only equal to "__main__" when being run as a script; if the file is being imported, then __name__ becomes the name of the module.

No exercise here!

While it’s important to understand that it’s actually very easy to create a Python module, doing so isn’t necessary for the context of this course, and so we won’t be practicing this here.

Advanced Users: module folders

More complex modules are created by using a folder or folders that contain a file named in a special way ( For example if we have a folder tree:

joesModule /

Then we can use

import joesModule.submodule1 

to import the functionality contained in