Introduction I

XKCD comic


These notes are intended as a light introduction and guide to learning how to program in Python.

As big a part of this workshop as any of the formal aims listed below, is that you should enjoy yourself. Python is a fun language because it is relatively easy to read and tells you all about what you did wrong (or what module was broken) if an error occurs.

With that in mind, have fun, and happy learning!

Structure of this course

The main components of this workshop are these notes and accompanying exercises.

In addition you will receive a brief introductory talk, and we will work through the first exercise together to make sure that you are able to write and run a basic Python script.

From there, you’ll be left to work through the material at your own pace with valuable guidance and advice available from the workshop demonstrators - use them!

Where appropriate, key points will be emphasized via short interjections during the workshop.

Workshop Slides

The workshop slides can be accessed here