intRos: Walkthroughs

What are intRos?

The intRos walkthroughs are designed to be a place to provide brief introductions and walkthroughs for activities that are common when programming for research purposes. For example, using ggplot2 and making publication-ready plots. Or making reproducible tables in R using flextable. These intRos are aimed to be brief and designed to get you started using these tools. Throughout we highlight where we find information and our favourite resources for when we get stuck!

We hope that intRos will be added to through time by other members of the University. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch.

Get started

All of the available intRos can be found below. All of the reproducible quarto (.qmd) files can be found at the source GitHub repository for this website. You can navigate to each of the directories individually in the posts/ folder, or better still clone the repo using git clone and open the project in RStudio.