1 Reproducibility

We have seen how we can use R as both a high-level programming language, and a highly functional statistical package. In this practical we focus on the subject of reproducibility. Reproducibility is a key component in providing a strong evidence base for scientific findings. It is a controversial topic, particularly in areas such as experimental biology.

The same issues are also true of statistical analyses, and although scientific papers often include a “Materials and Methods” section, where the statistical methods are described, these are often not entirely reproducible. Often these sections are the equivalent of pseudo-code—mapping out a process for the analysis. In this sense they provide a high-level overview of the general approach, but without all of the details, which can often matter in ways that we do not envisage.

We have already seen that R allows us to write script files, that details our exact analysis, and that can be used to make our code reproducible. I would argue that the transition from a basic script file (i.e. a text file that contains some code), to a reproducible script file hinges on the purpose of the script. Allow me to elaborate…

One way in which script files can be used is simply as a means to record a series of commands that run some functions. Taken to its extreme, an .Rhistory file can be generated, which saves every command entered into the console window during a given R session. Whilst this is better than no record at all, it is difficult to discern exactly what is going on. The file contains no commenting, no formatting, and will often include many entries that are simply not relevant to the end result (such as when we are testing code out or trying to fix errors). In this sense, the .Rhistory file enables us to reproduce all the steps we have taken in a given R session, but it is not a reproducible document in the sense of helping us to make sense of what our goals were and why we did the analysis in the way we did.

I am defining reproducibility here, not only to mean that the steps of an analysis can be repeated, but also to mean that the steps of an analysis can be understood. Scripts should help us understand both how and why we did things. A key focus is therefore on clarity!

Here is a simple example of a reproducible script:

## read data into R
worms <- read.csv("worms.csv", header = T)

## summarise data set

## add column corresponding to area in acres
worms$Area.acres <- worms$Area * 2.47105

## add column corresponding to worm abundance
worms$Abundance <- worms$Worm.density * worms$Area

## plot histograms for worm density and area
par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) 
hist(worms$Worm.density, main = "Histogram", xlab = "Worm Density")
hist(worms$Area, main = "Histogram", xlab = "Area")

## reset plot layout
par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) 
## box-and-whisker plot for worm density against vegetation
plot(worms$Vegetation, worms$Worm.density)

## scatter plot for worm density against area with
## fitted regression line
plot(Worm.density ~ Area, data = worms, 
     pch = 20, ylab = "Response variable", 
     xlab = "Explanatory variable")
linmod <- lm(Worm.density ~ Area, data = worms)

The purpose of this script was to import some data from a .csv file, summarise the data and produce some histograms of key variables, before visually exploring the relationship between worm density and area (note that in practice we could do this more succinctly using tidyverse). This script has several key features:

  • It is commented.
  • It is formatted neatly (spaces / indentation etc. used sensibly).
  • No extraneous code (only final versions of plots included).
  • In this case the script can be run directly, with no errors or further user input required to produce the final plots / summaries. (We can use the source() function in R to run all entries in a script file.)

Although there are not hard and fast rules for writing these scripts, I think these are sensible aspects to consider when writing your own scripts.

Please note that often I will have different script files for different aspects of an analysis, or for testing and trialling different pieces of code. More recently, I have started to use Git to manage versions of my code, allowing me to roll-back to earlier versions, or even create trial versions of my code without compromising the final “clean” script file. You choose whatever way suits you best, but be warned, if submitting code for assessment by me I expect it to follow the above rules where possible!

Recently, the advent of electronic supplementary information for journal articles enables us to potentially overcome reproducibility issues by providing all the code required to reproduce an analysis exactly as part of the paper.

The data file (‘worms.csv’) and script file (‘worms.R’) can be found on the workshop website. Download these and run the full script using: source("worms.R"). Run the commands in the script file line-by-line and understand what they are doing.

The file “ff.rds” contains data from an experiment that used a factorial design to assess whether increased sexual activity affected the lifespan of male fruitflies. Download this data set to your working directory, and create a script file that loads in the data, summarises the data set, and produces plots of thorax against group, longevity against group, and longevity against thorax.

Make sure the code adheres to all the rules described above. Once written, save as an R script file and try to run the entire script using source() (or by hitting the Source button along the top of the Script pane in RStudio).

Note: I’ve done this in base R, but if you use tidyverse then all the better!